Medicare Supplements

United American has been a prominent Medicare Supplement insurance provider since Medicare began in 1966. Additionally, we’ve been a long-standing participant in the task forces working on Medicare Supplement insurance policy recommendations for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Insurance Products

When you become a United American policyholder, you gain freedom of choice. Our products allow you to keep your choice of trusted doctors and hospitals. 

Group Insurance

United American Insurance Company has been a market leader in providing insurance to employer and union group sponsors for 25 years.


United American has been underwriting life and health insurance since 1947. Thousands of independent agents/agencies have found success selling our life, health, and Medicare Supplement policies.


One of the many things United American is well-known for is our superior customer service. When it comes to your health, we believe education, service, and support are vital. With our experience and stability, we’re the Company that does what it says it will do.

File a Claim

Because of our 50+ years of experience in providing life, supplemental health and Medicare Supplement insurance, United American offers superior customer service to both our agents and customers.  Never stress about your claim status with our online claim tracker. Need more help? Let one of our licensed agents assist you.


At United American, we only provide knowledgeable and licensed agents to service you. Say goodbye to wasted hours spent on hold and bid good riddance to talking to artificial intelligence. Hear a live voice or get one-on-one time with one of our licensed agents today.


  • Due to the state of emergency in Tennessee resulting from recent tornado activity, the Department of Commerce and Insurance Commissioner has issued Bulletin 23-06 for the State. This Bulletin requests all insurers doing business in Tennessee make every reasonable effort to assist policyholders who have been affected and specifies, among other things, claims reporting requirements; grace periods for payment of premiums and performance of other duties by insureds; and temporary postponement of cancellations and nonrenewals. If you have questions and/or have been impacted by the recent tornado activity, please contact us at: 615-741-6007.

    Follow the link to the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance for additional details.


  • Due to the state of emergency in Florida resulting from Hurricane Ian, the Office of Insurance Regulation Commissioner has issued an Emergency Order for the State. This Order requests all insurers doing business in Florida make every reasonable effort to assist policyholders who have been affected and specifies, among other things, claims reporting requirements; grace periods for payment of premiums and performance of other duties by insureds; and temporary postponement of cancellations and nonrenewals. If you have questions and/or have been impacted by Hurricane Ian, please contact us at our toll free number: 844-726-4372.


  • Globe Life affiliate companies and their subsidiaries are aware of the State of Emergency due to wildfires across California, as of August 14, 2020. If you have questions about access to medically necessary health care services, prescriptions, or the replacement of medical equipment or supplies typically covered by your policy due to the wildfires, please contact us at our toll free number: 800-331-2512

    August 14, 2020 - Wildfires Emergency Filing Notice

  • Globe Life affiliate companies and their subsidiaries are aware of the State of Emergency declaration for Los Angeles County and City of Los Angeles, as of May 30, 2020. If you have questions about access to medically necessary health care services, prescriptions, or the replacement of medical equipment or supplies typically covered by your policy due to the Civil Unrest, please contact us at our toll free number: 800-331-2512

    May 30, 2020 – CDI LA Emergency Filing Notice