Medicare Supplements

United American has been a prominent Medicare Supplement insurance provider since Medicare began in 1966. Additionally, we’ve been a long-standing participant in the task forces working on Medicare Supplement insurance policy recommendations for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Insurance Products

When you become a United American policyholder, you gain freedom of choice. Our products allow you to keep your choice of trusted doctors and hospitals. 

Group Insurance

United American Insurance Company has been a market leader in providing insurance to employer and union group sponsors for 25 years.


United American has been underwriting life and health insurance since 1947. Thousands of independent agents/agencies have found success selling our life, health, and Medicare Supplement policies.


One of the many things United American is well-known for is our superior customer service. When it comes to your health, we believe education, service, and support are vital. With our experience and stability, we’re the Company that does what it says it will do.

File a Claim

Because of our 50+ years of experience in providing life, supplemental health and Medicare Supplement insurance, United American offers superior customer service to both our agents and customers.  Never stress about your claim status with our online claim tracker. Need more help? Let one of our licensed agents assist you.


At United American, we only provide knowledgeable and licensed agents to service you. Say goodbye to wasted hours spent on hold and bid good riddance to talking to artificial intelligence. Hear a live voice or get one-on-one time with one of our licensed agents today.

Can Critical Illness Insurance be Part of a Retirement Financial Plan?

Can Critical Illness Insurance be Part of a Retirement Financial Plan?

With retirement comes the potential of so much opportunity – to travel, to relax, to spend more time with family, or to tackle a project or write that novel. As you know, retirement also requires plenty of financial planning, because without the proper funds at your disposal, those hopes and dreams can never come to fruition.

While you're busy with a financial planner making sure your future is in a good place, consider adding critical illness insurance to help protect from unexpected illnesses such as cancer.

Critical illness insurance is a type of coverage that can provide a payout after a covered diagnosis. Critical illness payouts can help cover the cost of treatment for the covered illness or possibly a lump-sum, it depends on the policy. Coverage can vary based on company and product; some policies may only cover a few conditions and others a larger array. Certain conditions must be met before a payout is made, so it's important to understand the policy before you purchase one.

It might make sense to seriously consider purchasing critical illness insurance as part of your retirement financial plan. That's because as we age, our health becomes more uncertain, and having a plan in place if something were to impact our health is essential. Additionally, a critical illness policy may not be available after a certain age.

If a critical illness like a heart attack, stroke, end stage renal failure, etc. were to happen to you, how long would your retirement savings last? Would you be able to afford your medical bills, travel costs, and other costs associated with treatment? These costs could be offset by a critical illness insurance policy, and it might be a good idea to purchase one when you're saving up to have the best golden years you can.

If you want to know if a critical illness insurance policy is right for you, contact your financial advisor. If you want to know about a policy, what it covers, and its conditions, contact an independent broker or a licensed insurance agent.

Explore Coverage

Learn more about supplemental health products